Hi! My name's Alex, I am a junior at High Point University currently pursuing a B.S. in computer science with a specialization in cybersecurity. I grew up in McLean, VA and was a dedicated swimmer, going as far as the junior Olympics in middle school. In high school, I began my career towards computer science by building my own computer and taking what courses were offered. Now, in college, I've expanded greatly on my academics by obtaining multiple certificates, taking high-level courses, and working as an information technology assistant at High Point's IT desk. I'm currently working on CompTIA's Security+ exam, this website, and designing a video game through Android Studio. I'm excited to see where my interests and skills take me and am always looking for something new to learn.
- Cybersecurity + Penetration Testing
- Software Development + Game Design
- Weight Lifting + Nutrition
- Philosophy + Art
Programming Languages
- C++
- Python
- Java
- C
Example: Throughout my academic career I have developed my C,C++, and Python skills through projects and more recently through coding competitions. Also I began using Java in Android Studio to create a video game.
Information Technology
- Computer Architecture/Assembly
- Network Architecture/Assembly
- ServiceNow Ticketing
- VirtualBox
Example: Completed my A+ and Network+ certifications which delve into computer hardware and network architecture. I also began working with ServiceNow ticketing and recently have started learning and utilizing VirtualBox.
- Linux/Linux Tools
- Network Security
- Burp Suite
- Nmap
Example: Began using Linux in high school and have developed all my coding projects through vi in Linux. Learned advanced network security concepts in Network+ certificate and systems security class. I also utilized tools like Nmap and Burp Suite in academic classes.
- Android Studio
- Database Management
- Microsoft Office Tools
- Algorithms/Data Structures
Example: Developed video game through Android Studio, learned and utilized databases in my database systems class. Utilized microsoft tools in many of my academic coursework and personal work. Learned and utilized algorithms in classes and through personal projects.